The Best Way to Kayak at Medina Lake!

kayak at medina lake

Kayaking is one of the best ways to enjoy the great outdoors worldwide, including on the picturesque waters of Medina Lake. But sometimes, kayaking is not as simple as grabbing a boat and getting in the water, and you may be wondering what the best ways to kayak are when you visit this superb location.

The best ways to kayak at Medina Lake include accessing the lake through the Rising Sun resort or hiking down from a designated bluff. Additionally, there are several options to rent kayaks at Medina Lake.

Planning your kayaking trip should be the lowest stress possible so you can maximize your time out on the water. Keep reading to learn more about kayaking at Medina Lake, along with some other regulations and tips that are useful to know.

Article Contents

Can You Kayak at Medina Lake?

Located in Bandera County, Medina Lake is a great place to spend a relaxing day or afternoon out on the water. Fortunately, kayaking is permitted at Medina Lake. Many people choose to kayak either by bringing their own boat to the lake or renting a kayak from one of the several nearby watersport rental companies.

If you choose to rent a kayak, many of these companies will offer transportation by shuttle to and from the lake.

Can You Go Swimming at Medina Lake?

If you get too hot while kayaking, you may want to jump in the water. Swimming is certainly permitted at Medina Lake. Many people choose to swim in the designated swimming areas, such as the one in Bandera County Park, or by getting in the water while boating.

Medina Lake is also a good option for the following activities:

  • Jet skiing
  • Boating
  • Fishing
  • Waterskiing

When you swim in Medina Lake, it may be wise to swim in an area that is not frequented by speedboats or jet skis to avoid any collisions.

kayak at medina lake - Can you go swimming at Medina lake

Do You Have to Pay at Medina Lake?

Because it is a public recreational space that shares a border with a county park, you will need to pay an entrance fee to use Medina Lake. This fee can be paid in the following ways:

  • Cash: If you are accessing Medina Lake from Bandera County Park, you can pay in cash directly at one of the designated pay stations.
  • Accommodations: If you are renting accommodations at the Rising Sun resort, lake access will be included in the fee. You can rent at the Rising Sun through Groupon or AirBnB.
  • Equipment rental: If you rent kayaks from one of the equipment rental companies, you will probably not have to pay for lake access if you are being shuttled to the lake. This is because it is often covered in equipment costs. However, you will want to verify this information with your company of choice when renting the equipment.

Do not let the fee dissuade you from visiting Medina Lake. The Bandera County Park visitor’s fee is currently priced at $5 per person. For this small amount, you can spend the entire day enjoying the sun and water.

The Best Way to Kayak at Medina Lake

Once you have your equipment rented or have loaded up your personal kayaks, you will be wondering what the best way is to access Medina Lake. There are several popular options.

  • Bandera County Park: The boat landing available at the county park can be used to set out on your kayaking adventure.
  • Rising Sun: Staying at this resort will allow you easy access to the water, which is often just minutes from your campsite or accommodation.
  • Bluff: There are several designated bluffs at Medina Lake where you can hike down and access the water. More information on Medina Lake access can be found here.

All of these options will have you out on the water in no time at all.

Kayaking Rules on Medina Lake

To ensure the safety of yourself and others, you will want to follow the rules while kayaking. The Kayaking rules on Medina Lake are determined by the state of Texas and include the following:

  • Kayaks are exempt from registration requirements because they are not vessels with a motor or sail.
  • Kayaks must carry a lantern or flashlight at all times. This can be used as an identification signal in case you are in danger.
  • Kayaks must carry a whistle or sound device at all times. This can also be used to signal for help in the event of danger.
  • All of those operating a kayak must wear a life jacket approved by the USCG.
  • Kayaks must not be operated while intoxicated.
  • If the kayak is motorized, it cannot be operated by someone under the age of 13, or someone under the age of 18 who does not have their boating license.

Though kayaking is a relatively easy and worry-free water sport, you will still want to make sure that you are being safe. Not only will these rules keep you safe, but they will also protect the safety of everyone else who is boating or swimming in Medina Lake.

kayak at medina lake - Kayaking rules on Medina Lake

Final Thoughts on Kayaking at Medina Lake

As a paradise for outdoor lovers, Medina Lake is one place you do not want to miss. Bringing your kayak to Medina Lake can be a delightful way to spend an afternoon or day in the great outdoors. Of all the ways to access Medina Lake, the best are through the Rising Sun, the boat landing in the county park, or by hiking down from an adjacent bluff.

Whether you bring your own kayak or rent one from a nearby watersport company, you will be sure to have a good time. Just follow all safety regulations, including wearing a life jacket and bringing safety gear along, such as a whistle and flashlight or lantern. You will also need to pay the county park fee before entry.

With a little bit of preparation, you will soon be out on the water and making the most of a beautiful day at Medina Lake.