10 Tips For Deckoring a Tiny House

Tips For Deckoring a Tiny House

If you just purchased your first tiny home, congratulations! Now that you have the home of your dreams, it is basically a space for you to design and bring life into. The issue with tiny homes is that even though they are “blank canvas” to work with, you need to pay attention to every little detail that you install into your home because every square foot counts, and you don’t have much of it to use. Tiny homes are a great way to declutter, and even though you’ve already decluttered before getting into your tiny home, you will find it easier to work with your space when you embrace only the items you need. 

There are many easy ways to go about decorating a tiny home (even apartment), and the most basic of them all is to keep your space airy, aesthetically pleasing, and functional. There are lots of inspiring tiny homes on various social media platforms for inspiration, but when it comes down to it, you may feel a bit overwhelmed, and that’s why we are going to give you ten tips for decorating a tiny house. These tips could also work for small apartments. 

So, you're ready to decorate your tiny house.

Now that you’re ready to decorate your tiny house, you will realize that there is a variety of inspiring tiny home ideas on the internet. Going through these hashtags should help you conceptualize a rough idea of what you want and what you’d like to avoid. If you’re having difficulty coming up with a design for your home, you shouldn’t be too worried because it’s understandable. Decorating a tiny home is understandably hard because you’re working with less than 500 square feet. Think of it, most people living in large houses already have a hard time creating an aesthetically pleasing space, so you will also have a pretty hard time at first. But once you’ve got down to business, it will get easier. You will start getting a clear picture of the exact thing you’d like to have and move on from there. 

Picking a style for your tiny home

There’s a reason why most tiny homes you see on the internet contain light or neutral colors. When you paint your walls white or light color, it reflects lights creating an airy feeling you want in a tiny home. Also, if you aren’t sure about your theme, having a neutral color is a good start as you think of what you want since it’s easy to change it up. You may wish for your tiny home to have different themes, such as bohemian, retro, beachy, or southwestern appeal. When decorating your home, you can use decor pieces such as shells, sands, and blues to reflect a beachy feel. But if you want a southwestern vibe, add tribal paints, some rocks, and cacti. 

The style you’d like to have for your home depends on what you love, and you can make it work without overusing your space and making it feel cramped. You can color-block if you love to have some color in your tiny home. Now that we’re encouraging using more colors, you need to keep in mind that utilizing too many competing colors will make your space feel smaller than it already is, which isn’t the goal at hand. You can have a bright accent wall in your living room or paint a specific self with a “shouting color” of choice to create a lively space. You can also introduce various textures in your home, like unexpected tiles in your shower. 

When thinking about a theme for your home, you need to think “airy,” which neutral paints provide, but you also need to consider what you love and how to embrace it in your tiny space. For example, do you want tribal paint or beach paint? Do you prefer a jar with paint brushed or a fruit bowl? All these questions will help you decide on a specific theme without crowding it. Once you’ve picked a theme, you will realize that certain textures, fabrics, and colors go with it. Go with these, and you will indeed have a lively space.

How do you make a tiny home cozy?

The only way to achieve coziness in a tiny home is by recognizing the purpose of tiny living and being passionate about minimalism. To have a cozy home, you will also need it to be spacious, providing you with mobility. Here are some pointers for achieving tiny home coziness: 

  • Natural light: Natural light is essential in a tiny home. You need light to shine through areas like the kitchen, sleeping area, and bathroom. When creating windows, you need to ensure you get enough light in these spaces no matter the time of day, especially in the kitchen—natural light in a tiny home promotes coziness. 
  • Space: Before purchasing your tiny home, you need to have a plan for how you’d like to arrange your home. Some people prefer spacious living rooms, while others prefer relatively big kitchens, and others prefer spacious bathrooms. All these are subject to taste. So, you need to know which space you’d like to have more room for your comfort. 
  • Sleeping area: When designing a tiny home, you need to inform your builders of your specific needs. A comfortable sleeping area determines how cozy your space will be. While having more storage space may sound ideal, most times, you may find that storage spaces in the sleeping area compromise coziness. 
  • Entrance: Entrances in tiny homes are important because they determine how you perceive your space. When you place the opening on one end, it creates a corridor, naturally decreasing the perceived space. But if you put the doors on the side, it increases space and is more convenient for family living. When it comes to doors, you may also need to consider french doors or double doors to increase comfort. 
  • Material choice: What you put on your walls gravely determines the level of coziness in your tiny home. Using artificial materials, no matter how convenient, tend to bring out a feeling of discomfort. You will find that most people prefer woody finishes for their snugness and warmth. 

10 tips for decorating a tiny house

Creating a comfortable living space in a tiny house can take a bit of trial and error because you not only need to be comfortable, but you also need to ensure you have all your needs met in that house without cramping it. 

1. Buy multipurpose furniture

When choosing furniture for your tiny home, you must ensure that it covers form and function. If you want a bed and a dresser, why not put your money into a bed with storage space on its foot or sides? Using furniture in such a manner helps create more space to store your things. Another way is by using your stairs for storage space. For a table, you can use a wall-mounted tabletop to suit your tight space. The positioning of this table should allow you to use it as a study table and dining table. Such a table folds flush to the wall when not in use, allowing you more space to move around. Because you have a tiny space, you can always ensure that the items you purchase also serve as aesthetic tools. For example, you can use a woven basket to add texture and color instead of the usual plastic clothes hamper. 

2.Embrace natural lighting

Tiny homes have very little circulating air, and you need to ensure you get more fresh air by installing windows that will bring in light and fresh air. Ensure that you don’t block out the windows in your space since they will help accentuate it. You need lighting in your bathroom and kitchen for them to be functional daily. So, ensure that these spaces have enough light throughout the day for normal functioning and comfort. You can also create a patio to create more space and use french doors to bring in light and air circulation when opened. You can also install a skylight indoors for better lighting and an airy feeling.

3. Invest in miniature appliances

When living in a tiny home, you will need to save on space; hence investing in small appliances may seem like a good idea. You should go for compact refrigerators, ovens, dishwashers, microwaves, and coffeemakers. These will occupy less space but still serve their purpose. Also, instead of using a separate washer and dryer, you can use one that serves both purposes. 

Tips For Deckoring a Tiny House

4. Use floating lamps

When living in a tiny home, your need to save on space should come first, which applies to lighting fixtures too. Instead of looking for space to put your lamps, you should place your lighting on walls or the ceiling. This will be your chance to invest in statement light fixtures to suit your taste. When installing light fixtures, ensure they’re high enough so you won’t bump into them and they still provide enough light.

5. Install sliding doors to save on space

Sliding doors will be your saving grace when making separate rooms in your house. Sliding doors look stylish and provide privacy when looking to separate different areas in your home, for example, bathrooms. Compared to hinged doors, sliding doors occupy less space and aren’t as cumbersome. 

6. Use wall space

When living in a tiny home, your first goal is to ensure you don’t cramp up your living space, and utilizing your wall space could help achieve that. Using your vertical space creates the illusion of a clean and clutter-free space while also giving the illusion of a bigger home. You can store items high, low, and out of your eye-line to make the room seem more significant.

7. Use rugs and runners

Rugs and runners are great tools to use in your tiny home. For example, you can make your short hallway feel longer using a runner and use different rugs around your floor to separate spaces like the kitchen, living area, and bathroom. 

8. Accessorize your home

Accessories in your home help show your personality and style. Even though living in a tiny house requires saving on space, this doesn’t mean you can’t accessorize. You can add elements such as wall art, mirrors, decorative bowls and trays, coffee table books, picture frames, flowers, or vases. Add whichever accessories you feel will add more depth and personality to your space. 

9. Decorate with plants

There’s something about houseplants that adds more life to your space. When living in a tiny house, you can use plants to add more life and aesthetic to your space. Hang plants from your ceiling and use succulents as a natural decor. If you want more function, you can have some herbs in your pots and hang them by your kitchen window. 

10. Go for natural accents.

Most people who opt for a tiny living are often looking to be more sustainable, so many parts of the house look to embrace this idea by using refurbished pieces. When using refurbished items, you can make them have a natural accent by treating and salvaging countertops and furniture using eco-friendly paint or wallpaper. These can help you develop a theme and engage in sustainable living. 

Final thoughts

Now that you’ve taken a bold step in exploring tiny living, Our how to guide and above tips for decorating a tiny house will help you come up with a space that is not only functional but also aesthetic. Just because you’re tiny living doesn’t mean you have to compromise on comfort and aesthetics.